Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Archives Updated!

Guess what?

The DSW archive is up and running once more! Yes, yes. We have harnessed the inner librarian to do a bit of cataloging. After an intense process of relabeling posts from the past, they are again available for your viewing pleasure. We've also got an archive gadget added to our sidebar, for your searching convenience.

Why not celebrate the return of past posts by reading The Unfeasibly Hilarious Harlequin Parody?

Or take another gander at Kate Diamond's deliciously dated yearbook photos.

Or perhaps you'd like to revisit our obsessive analysis of Grey's Anatomy! (So lengthy, we needed a part one and part two post!)


Unknown said...

Katie, I am leavin my paw prints on your comment page. I have to agree with you all on Mr. Darcy and any Jane Austin. Though Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility are my read and re-reads.

LJS said...

Glad all the good stuff is back and intact.