Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Four Cheers For Kate D.

Because three are never enough.

Last night at 11:30 west coast time, Kate finished the last chapter of the first draft of her first complete novel, Revising Mr. Right. As the critique partner who has had the honor of accompanying her throughout the process, I can't say emphatically enough how proud I am of her and what a fantastic achievement this is. If half of success is showing up, then even more of success in writing is sticking with it when your characters morph into bizarro people and you feel like they're physically assaulting you.

So well done, Kate! Your fans salute you!


Holly said...

Congrats, Kate! What a fabulous achievment! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait for it to appear on shelves so I can buy a copy.

Kudos to you!

~ames~ said...

Yay!! Congrats to Kate!!

Renée said...

Huzzah! Congrats! I want an autographed copy when it comes out!

Anonymous said...

holy shit! DSW are tearing it up!!! I am such a fan of you two -- five cheers from this girl.

Anonymous said...

Kate D - you're officially my McHero! Well done! When can we start reading?

Rowena said...

Congrats Kate!